Voice and Communication Coach, London

Voice Workshops

The Voice and You


Your voice is a vital outward expression of who you are. It projects your thoughts and feelings into the world. The spoken word is powerful – what has been said, can not be unsaid. This course looks at the process whereby we convey who we are via our voices. Is your voice the instrument you want it to be? Does it support you in the situations and environments you encounter? Does it feel a truthful representation of who you are?

Course Overview

This practical two day course will provide you with experiential knowledge of how your voice works. More importantly, you will explore how to connect more fully to your vocal power. You will learn to recognise blocks to your voice and find ways to release these and move towards vocal freedom.


Areas of covered:

  • An awareness of your voice as a whole system that includes body, feelings and mind
  • Improved posture and body use and awareness of how they impact the voice.
  • Understanding the relationship between breath and voice
  • Connecting breath voice, feeling and thought
  • Releasing tension and blocks to your voice
  • Greater vocal range
  • Clarity of speech
  • Owning a voice that feels more like you.
  • A warm up that you can use to keep your voice flexible and free

The Voice and Classical Text


Classical text requires vocal and psychological commitment. Its epic nature demands complete ownership of heightened thought, emotion and word. As such, it is a wonderful tool with which to explore how you communicate both your inner truth and the truth of the text through the voice and body.

We demystify the skills involved so you can experience the power of your voice by connecting body and emotions; returning language to the senses and so rediscovering the gifts of the oral traditions.

Course Overview

This course is for people who want the challenge of developing their vocal and physical skills in order to bring a classical text to life. We will introduce skills to integrate voice, text and your physicality. Through connecting your breath, body and thought, your voice will discover ways of realising the text in the moment. This allows us to directly express the emotional content of the text and its subsequent vocal expression.


  • Vocal Technique including breathing, vocal placement and the organs of articulation
  • Embodying the Language – connecting breath, thoughts and feelings to the word
  • Body work - posture, alignment, somatic connection, release of tension
  • Power of the Word – articulation, phrasing, muscularity of language
  • Structure – arc of meaning, rhythm, metre, line endings and figures of speech
  • Personal interpretation of a universal message - letting the text speak through you.
  • Personal Empowerment – verse demands the revelation of ourselves.